Music Library
Music Library

Concert Band, Jazz Band, Orchestra, Solo/Ensemble/Method, Steel Drum Music Listing, Vocal Music, Vocal Jazz Listing, and Mariachi Music.
- Catalog Desk copies are available for use in the Music Library.
Music Review
- Teachers are welcome to visit the music library to review music prior checking it out.
- Call ahead if you plan to visit the music library. If we know you are coming, we can plan appropriately for your visit. Please call the direct number to make an appointment: (619) 796-7713.
Music Check Out
- Requests for pieces can be submitted on an Instrumental/Vocal Music Request form (one title per form). Completed request forms may be delivered in person or sent through district mail, please direct request to the Music Library.
- Request will be accepted via email to Jenniffer Jouan.
- Please fill in all information requested on the form or in an email – school, teacher, subject, Catalog number, and title. Vocal Teachers: Please include the number of copies you wish to receive.
- No limits have been established as to the number of pieces that may be checked out at any time.
- If you have questions about a piece or need more request forms, you may call or email Jenniffer Jouan at (619) 796-7713,
Receiving Music
- Music orders will be sent to you via district mail. If you wish to pick up music, please specify at the time you place your order.
- Please allow two weeks to receive your piece(s). It may take more time if you have ordered a large quantity of music.
- Over the counter service is limited to two pieces of music without an appointment. Anything beyond this will be mailed to your site.
- All music checked out to you is numbered and will be accompanied by an Instrument Check-Out Form or a Vocal Music Inventory Form. Please check the order when you receive it. If you find discrepancies between the forms and what was received, call or email the VAPA Music Library immediately. You will be held responsible for problems not reported within one week from the date issued (found above signature).
Purchasing Music
- The VAPA Department stores over 12,500 titles. It is our sincere hope that most of your needs can be met by what we have in inventory. However, new music can be purchased at your request if:
- You would like a piece or arrangement that we do not have.
- We do not have a full set of parts on file and you wish to reorder.
- The piece you have selected is currently out.
- Funds are available.
- Requests to order new music must be submitted in email or on a Music Listing Sheet. Please include your site and name at the top of the form. List all selections in priority order.
- Band/Orchestra Teachers: Please turn in orders for scores early. We will not pay for rush orders.
- At this time, teachers are limited on new music orders. Please check with the music library for limitations.
Returning Music
- It is the teacher’s responsibility to return all music by the appropriate due date. (December for Holiday music and May for all other music)
- All music must be returned in numerical order. Music not returned in order will be returned, or held for you to sort. Please return the inventory sheet with the order.
- Music may be returned in person or via district mail.
- You/your site will be responsible for replacing missing parts (ordering new parts). If the piece is out of print, exchanges and payment may be required.
- Late music/missing parts/unpaid bills will result in the following:
- No further music will be sent to you.
- No further instrument repairs will be approved.
- No further district transportation will be provided.
- Please clear up all bills before leaving for vacations or separating from your site.
Renewing Music
- Music cannot be renewed. You may submit a music request form to receive a piece again. It will be mailed to you near the start of school.
Resources on Copyright Information.